\DVD - Bryce6.1+Addon+tutorial\ |---DAZStudio_2.3.3.89_win.exe |---ADDON | |---Bryce Master Series | | |---Cloud City | | |---Great Hall | | |---Smoke And Mirrors | | `---The Block | |---Bryce Plugins | | |---Materials | | |---Objets | | `---Skyes | |---bryce utilities (Terrains, Skies, 3D Objects, ...) | | |---3D Portrait Digital Art Lessons Tutorials Poser Photoshop Bryce.pdf | | |---Bryce Terrain Sampler 1.exe | | |---Daz3D - Fairytale Collection - Fantasy Castle - Bryce File - Ps Ac1145.exe | | |---Daz3D - Realistic Leaves For Bryce - Br Ma026.exe | | |---Daz3D - Tropical Palms For Bryce - Br Ob023B.exe | | |---196 3D Objects For Bryce | | |---60 Terrains Bryce Vol 1 | | |---60 Terrains Bryce Vol 2 | | |---60 Terrains Bryce Vol 3 | | |---Bryce 3D Model Libraries | | |---Bryce 5 - 1000 Skies | | |---Bryce 5 - Glass set of 27 materials | | |---Bryce tree_models | | |---Corel - Bryce 3D v.5.0 - Extra - Tech (set of 35 materials) | | |---Daz3D - Bryce 6.01 Manual Update | | `---European trees for Bryce 16 | |---Epic Space Station | | |---br_ob74_EpicSpaceStationKit1.exe | | |---br_ob74_EpicSpaceStationKit2.exe | | |---br_ob74_EpicSpaceStationKit3.exe | | |---br_ob74_EpicSpaceStationKit4.exe | | |---br_ob74_EpicSpaceStationKit5.exe | | |---br_ob74_EpicSpaceStationKit6.exe | | |---br_ob74_EpicSpaceStationKit7.exe | | `---Epic space station.jpg | |---Вселенная от AK Painter - объекты_BR6 | | |---start.htm | | `---bryce.narod.ru | `---модели для Bryce | |---start.htm | `---bryce.narod.ru |---Bryce 6.1 Win Version | |---br_ap006_Br6_App.exe | |---br_ap006_Br6_Content1.exe | |---br_ap006_Br6_Content2.exe | |---br_ap006_Br6_Content3.exe | |---br_ap006_Br6_Docs.exe | |---br_ap006_Br6_Lightning_2.exe | |---br_ap006_Br6_Presets1.exe | |---br_ap006_Br6_Presets2.exe | |---br_ap006_Br6_Presets3.exe | |---br_ap006_Br6_Presets4.exe | |---br_ap006_Br6_SmpScn.exe | `---Crack | `---serial.txt `---TUTORIAL |---Bryce6_tutorial | |---start.htm | |---bryce.3dn.ru | `---bryce.narod.ru |---vt.c.brice.v6_видеоучебник | |---01.Introduction | |---02.Interface | |---03.3D Space | |---04.Creation Tools | |---05.Edit Objects | |---06.Boolean Operations | |---07.Lattice and Metaballs | |---08.Terrains | |---09.Trees | |---10.Sky Creation | |---11.Lights | |---12.Cameras | |---13.Rendering | |---14.Animation | |---15.Textures and Materials | |---16.External Applications | |---17.Output | |---18.Project 1 - Misty Valley | |---19.Project 2 - 27 Offline | |---20.Project 3 - Atlantis Discovered | |---21.Resources | |---22.Wrap Up | |---23.Credits | `---Work Files `---Сьюзен Эми Китченс_BRYCE для дизайнера(на русском) |---start.htm `---bryce.narod.ru